Continuing with the people we were at a questura (immigration part of a police station) for my card to live here and two of the several earthquakes that day started shaking the building, not majorly at all just enough to be fun and since we are near the beach the buildings have a lesser chance of falling because science, but the police workers all ran away and hid somewhere leaving the rest of us just standing there waitn g for them to return for like 10 minutes after the earthquakes stopped. Strange people with mind boggling thought patterns.
The earthquakes were much stronger elsewhere and all the missionaries are safe but the people in the north got shook up quite a bit.
We progressed a ton with Carlo in the past week, we did a final push using a fast, blessing, and got him to an 8yr old member baptism. It was a good week he hopefully gave up smoking and drinking for good, and set his own baptismal date at the other baptism, we are so enthused that he could feel the spirit strongly enough to change his lifestyle, he even started coming his hair and dressing cleaner, you can really see a change in a person when they have the desire to change.
We also met with a referral from one of the members, Michele delle foglie (Michael of the leaves) and his wife, they are like 80 and super cool. They loved every aspect of what we taught them about prayer and eternal marriage. It was one of the best lessons, because she explained to us that she didn't just want to learn they wanted to understand everything and there curiosity led them to some of the most beautiful aspects of what we believe. That we can pray to God with our own words, that we have been tasked to keep ourselves clean and pure, and that we can live with each of our loved ones again forever after this life. They basically invited themselves to church, set up a return appt., and wanted a Book of Mormon before we could even mention it.
Volete bene
-Anziano Hansen
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