Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 17, 2017

Our week was great we got to meet with a part member family and play basketball on a patio thing that I could touch both walls at the same time and I could touch the ceiling senza jumping so it was hard but it worked with the younger kids there, also he has a music room and I got to play the bass, and the piano, and the drum set that was in there and that was just fun, then we gave a good spiritual thought and we were able to just talk about the book of Mormon and such for a while which was really nice, especially with the younger ones in this case too. 

After DDM we had the awesome opportunity to eat with Sorella Francom (one mt teachers at the MTC) and a few of her friends that are here for a while. We ate and talked and shared stories, it was really cool for us (everyone here that she has taught) and I hope it was cool for all of them too.

So, we also had on Sunday a huge surprise, we are used to about 20ish people in church maybe a few tourists, but when we walked in it was packed, we set up extra chairs and all this stuff. 
What happened that caused this great crowd you may ask, BYU study abroad students, about 20 of them not including professors. It was actually really cool to talk to a bunch of Americans again and see there take on Italy as tourists. And lo and behold another surprise, I actually went to school with,  one Sara Summerhays who was there and I got see her again. Shout out to Elder Morrell for also being in both of those classes too. 

I got to talk to my family over Skype which was, as always, awesome

Then was Zone conference which as always is great, we talked about being excited for the work but not being overly anxious about any problem or about how long we have left and to just lower our stress levels to a comfortable zone and do our best to stay like that. 

Today for Pday we went to a castle of Saint Elmo and got to see some great views off of that and Yah that was about it. 

You are all awesome have the most amazing weeks!! 

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